Become a Recovery Coach
A coach should be an individual who demonstrates a strong and stable personal program of recovery and possesses a recommended minimum time of one year in recovery. A potential coach needs to have demonstrated progress in the recovery process and the requisite open mindedness necessary to support people on all paths to recovery. The candidate coach should pass the center’s volunteer screening process. Creating a diverse group is strongly recommended. The diversity to be considered includes: gender, age, path of recovery, length of time in recovery, ethnicity, correctional / drug court involvement, and key personal experiences such as medication-assisted recovery and experience with helping family members find recovery.
It is so exciting that we have an excellent Recovery Coach Academy. It is offered many times each year in different parts of the state.
For more information contact :
Our Recovery Centers offer wonderful supervision for coaches as they learn how to deliver powerful coaching skills.
Download the Vermont Certified Recovery Coach Curriculum
Recovery coaching must be a collaborative process. Coaches generally work with people who are new to recovery, people who come to recovery with many unmet needs and issues that need to be addressed.
Recovery Coaches facilitate developing a realistic recovery wellness plan, by p
roviding collaborative guidance or support in responding to difficult situations.
Recovery coaches do not monitor anyone’s abstinence.
Recovery coaches do not provide reports on a participant’s progress in recovery.
Each recovery center has appropriate procedures in place to address concerns and assure prompt resolution of any issues that need to be addressed.
The Recovery Coach Supervisor will be responsible for the overall management of the Recovery Coaches in each center and will help determine good matches for recoverees seeking assistance.
The Vermont Recovery Network (VRN) has the responsibility of ensuring that all recovery coaching in our recovery centers is actively managed and supported with supervision, regular training and updates.